2 min read

Undead Union


Reanimated dead retain complete free will, even if forced to obey their necromancer under threat of losing the magic that allows them to exist. At least that's how necromancer expects it to work. Enter: undead movement to unionize.

Originally posted on reddit

Content Warnings

amateur writing

"We have terms."

Cain blinked. "Terms? I just raised you from the dead! You want to go back hosting earthworms in your eyesockets?"

The skeleton tilted his head then continued, "The formerly dead of the Hollow Hill Township have entered a collective bargaining agreement. Will you hear our terms?"

Cain scowled. Collective bargaining? Who ever heard of that! With a wave of his hand, the blue fire faded from the skeleton's eyes and the bones clattered as they fell into a haphazard pile.

Then, he walked over to the next alcove in the mausoleum and raised the skeleton enshrined within.

"First, unapproved raisings are subject to a 15 silver per night fine, paid to the union advocacy fund."

Cain's eyes bugged out slightly, then he waved his hand a second time and another pile of bones were all that remained. He stomped out of the alcove, stirring up centuries of dust and immediately regretting it. This would not do, he had villages to violate, travellers to terrify! This would not do at all!

Scowling, he left the mausoleum and grabbed a shovel from his horse. A few minutes later, he stood in front of an unearthed corpse, fresh enough that she appeared simply sleeping.

He waved his hand, and she opened glowing blue eyes.

He waited for her to speak, but she simply stared back at him.

Then, behind him, a rasping voice spoke. "Second, you may only raise members of the union inside town limits. The weary dead must be allowed to rest in peace."

Cain jumped, and spun around. A shadow detached itself from the side of a large gravestone, and two blue flames sprang into being.

"Who summoned you! You aren't mine, I banished the other two!"

More blue flames began to pop into existence. Soon, the graveyard was full of them.

A multitude of voices spoke, "We are the Hollow Hill Union, and you have summoned us. We bargain as one."

Cain screamed shrilly as he backed up, "Away! Away with you!"

He scrambled onto his horse, and whipped it out of the graveyard as fast as he could. A harsh gutteral laughter followed him as he rode as fast as he could down the hill and away from the terrifying concepts housed within.